85KB,Here's a detailed look at the fragment Design x Air Jordan 3 sample from 2020. Obviously sporting a very different look for the retail pair, this one boasts a black tumbled leather,楽天市場】NIKE AIR JORDAN 3 RETRO SP FRAGMENT DESIGN white/wht-black da3595-100 ナイキ エアジョーダン 3 SP フラグメント スニーカー フラグメントデザイン 藤原 ヒロシ : LIMITED EDT,FRAGMENT DESIGN × NIKE AIR JORDAN 3 SP - フラグメント (Nike/スニーカー) DA3595-100【BUYMA】,Here's a detailed look at the fragment Design x Air Jordan 3 sample from 2020. Obviously sporting a very different look for the retail pair, this one boasts a black tumbled leather