7b349fc6de65498c0ff55e839d1cff2a.jpg,The Cotton Doll - Woke up to the news of a m4ssacre in a place of worship, where no one m4rtyred had a full body, they were in piec3s. G4Z4. . . . . . . . . #,The Cotton Doll - Woke up to the news of a m4ssacre in a place of worship, where no one m4rtyred had a full body, they were in piec3s. G4Z4. . . . . . . . . #,新年快樂❤️,又完成了兩個鉤針包包✓ 藍色的給我姐粉色的給我外甥女因為想要練習鉤針就請我姐選他喜歡的樣式