Reading Club
In July 2020, NSI launched an online reading club. Bringing together a group of academics from the Global South, we are interested in conceptualising and developing new theoretical and methodological frameworks that will take a comparative study of the post-colonial and the post-socialist spaces in a new direction.
Rather than discrete worlds, these spaces are entangled in shared and complex histories of Marxism, of the legacies of party-state systems and of planned economies. They are also ‘Non-Western’ and usually ‘Non-Aligned’ spaces, which briefly found political expression in the BRICS alliance. The question of reform(s), emancipation and peripheralization will be prioritised.
We are interested in exploring questions of heterogeneity and particularity, convergence and disjuncture, difference and hierarchy, as well as temporality within these two spaces.
When Club sessions occur, the discussions are organized around one particular book, but referencing relevant readings will be strongly encouraged. Usually each session lasts one hour long. Anyone is welcome to join!
What we are reading
The NSI team is made up of avid readers. Here is a selection of what Jelena is reading:
Book Reviews
NSI research fellows with some frequency write reviews of the books they are reading, with in-depth analyses of the topics covered and discussing their influence on the institute's programmes.
Live discussions
The NSI invites authors of the books that most influence the work of our research associates to conversations about their works. The conversations are open to public participation and recorded for later viewing.